Is It Jazz? Records releases new single from experimental duo Leagus

With the release date of “Flora Eallin”, the upcoming album from Experimental Duo LEAGUS set for the 28 April, Is it Jazz? Records have today released a new single from the album. 

The track, titled “Tendril” can be streamed or downloaded from various services at: link.isitjazzrecords.no/Leagus_Tendril

Leagus - Tendril
Leagus – Tendril

LEAGUS had this to say about the track:

Tendril is a curly stem that some plants produce for support and climbing. The song is the fourth track of the “Flora Eallin” album, and introduces two vocalists. The lyrics concern collective and individual responsibility, and different aspects of the climate crises we have been facing for generations. Lyrics are by Frode Larsen.

When pianist Herborg Rundberg first formed LEAGUS in 2013 it was simply part of her Masters degree in Rhythmic Music at the Tromsø Conservatory. However when she was joined by guitarist Kristian Svalestad Olstad, who had himself received his Masters degree in the same subject two years earlier, LEAGUS became a fully fledged contemporary and experimental music duo.

Photo: Martin Losvik

Herborg’s Sami background, and her work with traditional and classical music, along with Kristian´s extended use of guitar and electronics, forms the basis of LEAGUS’ sound, which has, over time, developed into an exploratory and complex sonic universe.   As for the name LEAGUS, the word itself originates in the area in which Herborg herself was born and is Sami slang for asking for something. 

Having worked extensively on finding new, and different, interactions between the piano and the guitar, LEAGUS were able to develop a new and progressive kind of musical togetherness, creating a highly dynamic sound in which musical contrasts play a big part in the overall concept.

 Alternating  between formal composed parts, open structures and free improvisation that at times feel like subdued, minimalistic psalm-like pieces, whilst at other times features more rock-oriented improvised parts, LEAGUS released two albums, and were then approached by the NORTH NORWEGIAN JAZZ ENSEMBLE, who, in 2021 commissioned them to write a piece for the ten piece orchestra.

This resulted in Herborg and Kristian composing and arranging the piece “Flora Eallin”, which will be released in full on Is it Jazz? Records in CD, Digital and Double LP formats.

Leagus - Flora Eallin CD
Leagus – Flora Eallin

Featuring  the  NORTH NORWEGIAN JAZZ ENSEMBLE and with cover art and design by Martin Losvik, track listing for “Flora Eallin”, is as follows:

1. Kime
2. Flor
3. Vann
4. Tendril
5. Nihkui
6. Vind
7. Pripyat
8. Geo
9. Mykorrhyza
10. Eallin
11. Sol
12. Hyperion

“Flora Eallin” is now available to pre-order from:

Bandcamp: leagus.bandcamp.com/album/flora-eallin

Webshop: isitjazzrecords.no/shop

On stage the duo are known for their energetic and visual concerts, and will be celebrating the release of “Flora Eallin” live at the Jazzahead Clubnight at the Achat Hotel in Bremen, Germany on the 28th April. 

Details of the event and booking info can be found at jazzahead.de/en/program/leagus-no/

More  information about LEAGUS can be found on the band’s Facebook page at facebook.com/leagusleagus or on their website at www.leagusband.com

A video of LEAGUS performing the track “Hyperion” directed by Norwegian photographer and artist Martin Losvik, and featuring the NORTH NORWEGIAN JAZZ ENSEMBLE, can be seen here:


    Is It Jazz? Records releases new single from experimental duo Leagus

Karisma Records